Temporomandibular Joint Disorder Causes and Treatments
Oral Surgery
March 11, 2020
The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is in use more than any other joint in the whole body, which makes it an easy target for health issues. When these problems cause chronic pain and affect the overall...
What You Need to Know About Protecting Your Kid’s Teeth
For Kids
March 4, 2020
Prevention and early treatment are the best ways to help your children achieve and maintain optimal oral health. It is much easier to prevent an issue than treat one, which is why it is essential to ...
Should You Replace Your Amalgam Fillings?
February 26, 2020
Metal was once the most commonly used dental material used to fill cavities and repair damage. However, amalgam fillings are less popular than they used to be for a variety of reasons. If you current...
How Oral Surgery is Used to Benefit Your Long-Term Oral Health
Oral Surgery
February 19, 2020
Ideal oral health involves making sure that teeth are not only healthy but that the surrounding structures in and around the mouth function correctly. Maxillofacial Surgery, more commonly known as or...